


Principal Activity

Solid fuels, smokeless fuels and aggregates


Hargreaves have been involved in sourcing and supply of Solid Fuels across Europe for over 25-years with a brand name respected within the industry. We provide raw materials to major UK and European customers. Hargreaves recently became an operator of a state of the art carbon pulverisation plant now processing and supplying carbon fuels. Our business activities consist of trading raw materials and in particular solid fuels, refractory minerals, pig iron as well as ferrous alloys. Hargreaves has considerable worldwide expertise in raw material sourcing combined with group operations of materials handling, port operations, storage and logistics by road, rail and sea. Together with our marketing and tech support experience, creates an ideal platform to compete in UK and Europe

Partnering Reason

To be involved directly with heritage steam market and the people we supply.

Partnering Benefits

To become a hands on and contactable organisation that listens to the industry we supply, to the mutual benefit of the Heritage Railway Association and Hargreaves.

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